
Friday, April 19, 2024

"The Troupe" Triumphs! Coverage and Pictures

by Sasha Chernoff, SSLI '25

Yesterday, the senior class performed Ha'lehakah (The Troupe), the musical on which they have been working for several months, to the upper school. Last night, they preformed again at Temple Beth Shalom to family, friends, and anyone who wanted to watch the play. The seniors did a great job, and I, along with many other students, enjoyed watching it. Mr. Baumvoll and Ms. Ben Yakar also worked very hard to direct the play.

The musical was performed completely in Hebrew, so the seniors were able to show their Hebrew skills that they learned throughout all of their years at Schechter. The musical is about an army troop that performs to boost morale. The band has rivalries with another band, and they want to be number one, so the group leader, Aviv, pushes the group to be the best. However, the band does not want to listen to Aviv and his demands, so they decide to leave him. Aviv knows he cannot have a band without them, so they compromise and have a band together.

Here are a few pictures of the seniors' performance:

The cast gets prepared "backstage!" (S. Thorgersen)

The seniors opened with a great song and dance to begin the play. (S. Thorgersen)

The seniors sang many songs! (Schechter Smugmug)

Along with singing, the seniors also choreographed many dances. (Schechter Smugmug)

The "troops" saluting together. (Schechter Smugmug)

Mr. Baumvoll and senior Jordan Rudsky worked on the music during the play. (S. Thorgersen)

The seniors, Mr. Baumvoll, and Ms. Ben Yakar all did an amazing job yesterday! (S. Thorgersen)

The seniors preformed the play with more tech last night. (H. Sedaghat)

Thank you, seniors for preforming this amazing musical, and thank you Mr. Baumvoll and Ms. Ben Yakar for directing it. Happy Passover, all, and we will resume daily coverage on Thursday, May, 2. 

Sasha Chernoff is an editor for Paw Print Now and has been published on the site since October 2021. Sasha is currently a junior at the Schechter School of Long Island and can be reached at the following email address:

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